Tech Blog

Discussing the latest in the enterprise, mobile, web and social apps world.

5 Ways to Motivate Donors via Facebook Non-Profit Pages

5 Ways to Motivate Donors via Facebook Non-Profit Pages

Is Facebook a promising platform to raise awareness about causes and engage large communities of people?

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Kiwis Get the First Look at Facebook’s New Timeline Design

Kiwis Get the First Look at Facebook’s New Timeline Design

The new Facebook layout introduces slight changes but to great effect. This will certainly make advertisers jump with joy.

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Facebook Monetization – Introducing Payment Products

Facebook Monetization Introducing Payment Products

Facebook announced a Subscription and Local Currency Pricing Model for Facebook Application Developers.

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Smartest Big Brands in Social Media and Why «

Smartest Big Brands in Social Media and Why

Social media is becoming a powerful tool for brands, to execute the marketing strategy and promotion plans.

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Facebook Introducing the App Center «

Facebook Introducing the App Center

Facebook’s App Center – another channel to increase growth for apps using Facebook Connect for the login processes.

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What is Interest Graph?

What is Interest Graph?

Interest graph is an online representation of individual’s interest with others including others interests.

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