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What Facebook's New TV App can Teach App Owners

What Facebook’s New TV App can Teach App Owners

In this post, we will discuss what Facebook’s recent move has to teach us about competing with apps that are bigger in the field you are gunning for.

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Facebook Launches Account Kit for App Developers

Facebook Launches Account Kit for App Developers

The Account Kit allows users to register on applications with just their phone numbers or email instead of setting a username or a password.

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Standalone Apps: Facebook plans and success story

Why Facebook is focusing on standalone apps?

Facebook’s effort to launch standalone apps is about keeping itself relevant in the ever changing market.

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Facebook Introduces Shared Albums

Facebook Introduces Shared Albums

Facebook’s shared albums are yet another improvement to a social network that is thriving on collaboration.

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Kiwis Get the First Look at Facebook’s New Timeline Design

Kiwis Get the First Look at Facebook’s New Timeline Design

The new Facebook layout introduces slight changes but to great effect. This will certainly make advertisers jump with joy.

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Facebook Graph Search

Facebook Introducing Graph Search

Can Facebook make a huge impact and gain yet another competitive advantage with the launch of Graph Search?

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