Tech Blog

Discussing the latest in the enterprise, mobile, web and social apps world.

What 5 Types of Facebook Marketing Apps Drive the Most Viral Sharing?

Types of Facebook Marketing Apps that Drive the Most Viral Sharing

In today’s competitive business world, apps can’t be just “good enough”; they have to be “the best” to become viral.

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10 Reasons Why Your Promotional Campaign Is Not Working

10 Reasons Why Your Promotional Campaign is not Working

The key to grabbing your customers’ attention is to use carefully worded taglines that are simple and intriguing.

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5 Amazing Marketing Campaigns of 2012

5 Amazing Marketing Campaigns of the year 2012

5 Amazing marketing campaigns that helped brands to increase the interaction and follow ship on social media.

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Social Media Campaign Measurement

Measure the Success of Your Social Media Campaign

The right techniques and tools to measure the success of your social media campaign. How do you measure your campaign’s success?

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Instagram For Brands

Instagram should be in the Daily Dictionary for Brands

What are the decisions and strategies that should be followed for making your social campaign successful using Instagram?

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Smartest Big Brands in Social Media and Why «

Smartest Big Brands in Social Media and Why

Social media is becoming a powerful tool for brands, to execute the marketing strategy and promotion plans.

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