Tech Blog

Discussing the latest in the enterprise, mobile, web and social apps world.

Email Marketing Strategies for Brands and Businesses

Email Marketing Strategy for Brands

Email marketing has turned out to be a winner in terms of conversion, because 91% of all U.S. consumers still use email.

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The Best Social Media Campaigns by Brands

The Best Social Media Campaigns by Brands

Some of the best social media campaigns that are inspiring and shows how your business can relate to customers

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10 Expectations from Social Media Marketing in 2013

10 Expectations from Social Media Marketing in 2013

Know your customers and their needs by interacting with them on social media, and see your marketing efforts pay off.

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Using Social Media as a Business Reputation Manager

Using Social Media as a Business Reputation Manager

Your business reputation stems from your ranking, your clientele and most importantly, from your interaction with customers.

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Social Media Strategy: How Social media helping brands for promotion

How to Create a Social Media Strategy

A few tips and tricks along with case studies of popular campaigns, to help you create a successful social media strategy.

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